Shawnee, OK

Action Center

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A) Abandon Signage A) Abandoned Refrige/Appliance A) Burned Out Buliding A) Dead or Dangerous Tree A) Derelict Car/Truck in Yard A) Dilapidated/Dangerous Bldg A) Dilapidated/Dangerous Bldg A) Dilapidated/Dangerous Bldg A) Dilapidated/Dangerous Bldg A) Fence Needs Repaired A) Graffiti Needs Removed A) Grass Growing Over Curb A) House has No Utilities A) Illegal Boat/Trailer Prkng A) Illegal Brush or Debris A) Improper RV/Trailer Pkng A) Improper Semi Truck Parking A) Junk/Trash/ Debris Removed A) Obstructing View/Traf Haz A) Other Nuisance Property A) Stagnant Pool or Ditch A) Tall Grass and/or Weeds A) Trash stored in Alley A) Trees too low over Street A) Using Street as Storage A) Water Rationing Violation S) Pot Hole Needs Repaired
Welcome to the Action Center Online

Welcome to the City of Shawnee Action Center.

Search and submit your Code Enforcement or Nuisance Property complaints here.

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Click HERE for a quick listing of all outstanding complaints and a map

If you want to submit an anonymous complete use this form - LINK


Contact us
Welcome to the Action Center Online

Welcome to the City of Shawnee Action Center.

Search and submit your Code Enforcement or Nuisance Property complaints here.

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Click HERE for a quick listing of all outstanding complaints and a map

If you want to submit an anonymous complete use this form - LINK