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Utility Billing
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This site is available to view information regarding your Utility Account(s). You must set up an online account to be able to view this information. In order to use this system, you will need to provide an email account, set up a password, enter your name and phone number. Click on Utility Billing above to get started.

An email confirmation will then be automatically sent to you. You will need to activate the account by verifying this email was received.

Once your email is verified, you can ADD your Utility account(s) to your site. For this step, you will need your full account number (ex. 4040-123456-01) and the last payment amount on your account. If you do not know your last payment amount, please call our office at (518)761-8237 and we can provide that to you. 





This site is available to view information regarding your Utility Account(s). You must set up an online account to be able to view this information. In order to use this system, you will need to provide an email account, set up a password, enter your name and phone number. Click on Utility Billing above to get started.

An email confirmation will then be automatically sent to you. You will need to activate the account by verifying this email was received.

Once your email is verified, you can ADD your Utility account(s) to your site. For this step, you will need your full account number (ex. 4040-123456-01) and the last payment amount on your account. If you do not know your last payment amount, please call our office at (518)761-8237 and we can provide that to you.