Search violations

If you have received a traffic citation for a moving violation, you may be eligible for a Driving Safety Course to keep the citation off of your record. DO NOT PAY YOUR CITATION ONLINE BEFORE DISCUSSING YOUR OPTIONS WITH THE COURT. You WILL NOT be allowed to take any course without first contacting our court by the appearance date on your citation. 

If you are under the age of 21 and have received any type of violation with reference to ALCOHOL or TOBACCO, you must contact the court by the appearance date on your citation. 

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If you have received a traffic citation for a moving violation, you may be eligible for a Driving Safety Course to keep the citation off of your record. DO NOT PAY YOUR CITATION ONLINE BEFORE DISCUSSING YOUR OPTIONS WITH THE COURT. You WILL NOT be allowed to take any course without first contacting our court by the appearance date on your citation. 

If you are under the age of 21 and have received any type of violation with reference to ALCOHOL or TOBACCO, you must contact the court by the appearance date on your citation.