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Please include all dashes. For example: 01-0101-01

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 4:30pm. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Full or partial payments made on DAY of disconnection may not prevent disconnection.  Payments made on DAY of disconnection will NOT reflect disconnection fees due and will NOT automatically reconnect your service.  Please call 660-882-5479 for updated account balance and fees due if making a payment on disconnection day.  Disconnection Fees CAN be accepted through online payments or over the phone payments. 

QUARTERLY BULK PICKUP DATES:  Set out the large item for pick up with your roll cart on your regular trash day.  Keep the large bulk item at least three feet from the roll cart to allow for the truck to pick up the roll cart.  

January 8-12, 2024  One Item Bulk Pick Up

April 8-12, 2024  Spring Clean Up

July 8-12, 2024  One Item Bulk Pick Up

October 7-11, 2024  One Item Bulk Pick Up

January #-#, 2025 One Item Bulk Pick Up - tbd

April #-#, 2025 Spring Clean Up - tbd

July #-#, 2025 One Item Bulk Pick Up - tbd

October #-#, 2025 One Item Bulk Pick Up - tbd

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